Yahoo Search Marketing Bulk Uploads – Now Easier Than Ever

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One of the most popular posts on this blog is a post I wrote 2 1/2 years ago, entitled Yahoo Search Marketing Bulk Uploads In 10 Easy Steps. One could argue that the title is an oxymoron – anything with 10 steps is, by definition, not easy. True, but I still think the process I outlined in that post was the best way to upload campaigns from other search engines into Yahoo.

Until now. A couple weeks ago, Yahoo made several improvements to their online interface, including simplifying the bulk upload process. Finally, the 10-step process has been condensed into one step! Campaigns can now be uploaded literally at the click of a button.

This is a huge step in the right direction for Yahoo, and in my opinion one they should have taken years ago. With the Microsoft deal looming on the horizon, the improvements may seem better late than never. But for now, advertisers need to work with the YSM interface if they want their ads to run on Yahoo, so the latest improvements are more than welcome.

What do you think of the YSM upgrades?

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