Random Thoughts

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Summer… those lazy, hazy, crazy days, right? Hazy, yes – the weekend was hot and humid here, although it’s nicer now. Lazy? Maybe tomorrow – more on that later. Crazy? Definitely! It took me a half-hour to get through my Google Reader reading list on what’s going on in SEM – and that was with skimming only the summaries of 3/4 of the items! So much happening – where to begin?

Hot off the press is Yahoo’s announcement that the launch of the new Panama PPC interface will be delayed from the 3rd quarter until the 4th quarter of this year. Great job, Yahoo – just in time for the holidays. My bet’s on “sometime in first quarter 2007.” Maybe. Methinks Yahoo stockholders are with me. More on that at ClickZ.

Google AdWords’ new Quality Score has advertisers up in arms. MFAs are still out there, legit sites with good CTRs and even better conversions are getting hit, and now there’s a rumor that affiliate sites are disappearing. With a few notable exceptions, we’re still in the clear on this one, but time will tell. More on this in this monster Webmaster World thread.

Not to be outdone, MSN has been experiencing reporting delays in the AdCenter interface. They were behind by 4-5 days, but when I ran a report at around noon Eastern today, they were only behind 3 days on daily reports. Only. Kinda sad. More on this at SEO Roundtable.

Finally, 2 fun things. First, the Google Mini-Frig eBay auction. Seems the thing sold for $180! Maybe I should put mine up for sale…. but, I really like it and we do use it, so maybe I’ll wait till the going rate equals the price of a share of Google stock.

Last, but certainly not least, the kids are going to Grandma’s house for the next 5 days. Woo hoo! I’m off work till next Tuesday, planning some kid-free fun and frolic. I’m allotting about 2 hours to catch up on Google Reader on Tuesday…

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