OK, maybe that’s a little harsh. If Google were dead, a lot of us would be out of jobs, myself included. But the last two changes they made to Adwords have me mad enough to spit nails.
I already wrote about the near match fail that was announced last week. Apparently the hue and cry over that announcement wasn’t loud enough for Google, because this week they announced near rotate.
The outpouring of hatred for this announcement was unbelievably loud and clear. No one asked for this, and no one wants the change!
There’s been so much coverage that I won’t go into any more detail here. The purpose of this post is a call to arms. If you’re as teed off as I am about this change, please sign the petition protesting the change. As of this writing, there are nearly 350 signatures from PPC’ers all over the world.
Join us in telling Google just how badly we think this will kill our PPC test results. Sign the petition today!
PS, credit for the idea for this post title goes to Dr Pete for tweeting a similar post title idea. Thanks for the inspiration!
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