Happy Ann’y, Beyond The Paid!

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One year ago today, I decided to take the plunge into the world of blogging. 70-some posts and a lot of SEM news later, here we are at the one year anniversary. I’ve learned a few things along the way:

* Blog post titles should be descriptive.
* Putting a feed link on your blog means a few people will actually subscribe.
* You really can change your template in Blogger, and even an HTML hack like me can figure it out.
* Blogging is a great way to meet some great people in your industry.

In scanning through the topics I’ve covered over the past year, a ton has happened – from Danny Sullivan leaving Search Engine Watch, to Google AdWords (and subsequently, Yahoo Search Marketing) implementing Quality Score, to Yahoo’s Panama, to MSN and Ask launching content programs, it’s a different world in May of 2007 than it was in May of 2006.

Here’s to another year of fun and growth in the SEM industry. I can’t think of a better way to make a living.

(I have to give credit to ESPN’s Around The Horn for the title of this post. It’s a great show if you’re a sports junkie. I usually end up catching it while I’m at the gym and therefore with the sound off, but it’s good even without sound. Ranting sports writers are almost as much fun as ranting SEM writers….)

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