So, you’ve read last week’s article about Google’s Display network and its pitfalls and myths, and you’re ready to give it a shot. Great! Despite my pointing out pitfalls & myths, it really is worth testing for most advertisers.
In this installment, I’ll give you some resources to help you on your journey to content network success. Remember, though, that the best resource is your own vigilance. No book or tool can replace the careful attention of a smart PPC manager.
Resource #1: Articles on search marketing authority sites.
When I’m researching PPC features, I always start with the big 2: Search Engine Watch and Search Engine Land. Both sites have a huge library of informative articles by industry pros. (Disclosure: I write a regular column for Search Engine Watch.)
Resource #2: David Szetela’s books.
My good friend David Szetela has written 2 great books on PPC. The first one is PPC: An Hour A Day, which came out last year. While the book covers much more than just Display advertising, it devotes a decent amount of space to Display and how to succeed in this channel. If you’re a PPC manager and this book isn’t in your library, you’re missing out not only on great Display Network tips, but overall PPC best practices as well.
David has also published a free e-book that covers the display network exclusively, called Customers Now. Even old pros like me will find new and helpful information in this book – and it’s free!
Resource #3: Shelly Ellis’s website.
Shelly Ellis is considered by many to be one of the preeminent experts on the Display Network out there. Shelly frequently speaks at search conferences. She also offers a couple of free content network guides on her website. Like David’s book, these are free, so there’s no excuse for not getting them – and reading them!
Bonus Resource:
Hot off the press, published just yesterday, is a great post by my Twitter friend Robert Brady asking whether the Display Network is the Black Hole of PPC. He concludes that it’s not – and offers up several best practices for success. Give it a read!
What are your favorite Display Network resources?
I was pointed in the direction of your posts when I asked for Display Network advice and it was really useful.
If I find any great resources of my own I'll be sure to send them your way.
I'm glad you found it helpful! Thanks for your feedback.