This has been out there for a while, but if you haven’t gotten around to taking the Biggest Search Geek test, now is the time – the last day to try your luck is January 28.
It’s not an easy test. According to Marin Software and Search Marketing Expo (SMX West), sponsors of the test, the best score as of Wednesday was 76.8%. I didn’t do that well, and I’ve been doing search for a long time. Median score to date (of those answering at least one question) is 33.33%. I did a lot better than that, but still.
According to the test sponsors, “Thus far, the highest scoring contestants have taken the longest to complete the test. There is no time limit, so contestants who are serious about winning should take their time in answering this complex set of questions.” This was part of my problem – I took it on a lark and just breezed through. And I still beat the median (grin). The test focuses mostly on paid search, so if you’re a PPC pro, you’re likely to do well.
There’s a nice payoff for a high score: “The winner will receive a free trip for two people to SMX West in Santa Clara, California, February 10-12, 2009. The prize includes round-trip airfare, hotel accommodations, and passes to SMX West 2009 for the winner and a travel companion. The winner will also receive an award on stage from Danny Sullivan, and will gain nationwide recognition as the Biggest Search Geek.”
Not too shabby. Give it a shot!
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